A Guide to Extending the Lifespan of Your Pet

Although all pet owners want the best for their animals, many are unaware of how they may help their pets live happier, healthier lives. Despite our best intentions, we may be putting our dogs at risk. As luck would have it, there are several methods by which we can improve and lengthen our pets’ life. The added benefit of a longer life span for your pet is that you may find that your health improves as a result of your commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

What can you do to prolong the lifespan of your pet?

Everyone who has ever had a dog or cat as a pet wishes for the same thing: a pet insurance wellness plan. To assist your pet in doing so, here are five suggestions.

Feed them a nutritious diet.

High-quality pet food results in healthy skin and shiny, bright eyes. Your pet’s immune system, digestive health, mental clarity, joint and muscular health, and many other aspects of their well-being can all benefit from a balanced diet.

Keep your pet active.

Pets that are too heavy are susceptible to a host of medical problems. Studies have revealed more information on a dog or cat’s life expectancy can be cut by as much as two years if they are overweight or obese, making obesity the most frequent nutritional issue seen today. Why? Obesity increases the likelihood of your pet developing health issues like arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes.

Regularly take your pet to the veterinarian.

Like all animals, dogs and cats need regular vet visits to places like South Novato Animal Hospital. Even though vaccinations are crucial, veterinary care includes many services. Your veterinarian may be able to spot hidden health problems during a routine exam. An early diagnosis often improves the chances of successful treatment. You will likely spend more money if you wait until your pet’s sickness has developed and become severe before considering therapy.

Maintain your pet’s oral hygiene.

Oral health problems, such as dental disease, are extremely common in dogs and cats and can make eating painful and uncomfortable for your pet. Problems with oral health might result in problems with the heart and kidneys. Brushing your pet’s teeth at home is the next best thing to taking them to the vet for regular dental cleanings and exams. Alternatives to toothbrushes include dental diets, rewards, and toys. Please seek the advice of your veterinarian.

Do not let your pet roam unsupervised.

Your dog or cat might benefit from having more freedom to explore. On the other hand, pets who are allowed to wander free face risks such as being hit by cars, being eaten by wild animals, contracting contagious diseases, being poisoned, and more. Allowing your pet freedom of movement may also irritate your neighbors if it ever ” relieves” itself in their yard or digs up their garden.


Our pets frequently ignore our concerns for their well-being. Because of their inability to voice their distress, we must hunt for other indicators of something wrong. With just a few easy daily chores, you can improve your pet’s health, extend their life, and make them happier.